This business of music: the definitive guide to the music industry

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This Business of Music: The Definitive Guide to the Music Industry
This Business of Music: The Definitive Guide to the Music Industry
11999 zł
nowe Kraków 30+ kilka dni temu

This Business of Music: The Definitive Guide to the Music Industry, 8th Edition The Definitive Guide to the Music Industry M. William Krasilovsky and Sidney Shemel Hardback Billboard Books 2000 stan BDB 558 stron wydawnictwo anglojęzyczne This Business of Music is recognized as the industry textbook, and Krasilovsky, a music and copyright lawyer, offers broad and deep treatment of contracts, royalties, loans, tax issues, videos, and copyright. The new edition presents the industry in four parts: an overview, the record industry, music writers and publishers, and other aspects of the business. The coverage of technology makes sense of recent and coming changes to the laws affecting the industry, the new music delivery mechanisms, and the impact on the organizations that oversee performance rights. The writing is clear, and Krasilovsky presents complicated legal, financial, and strategic information without oversimplifying. An exceptionally rich appendix reprints important primary-source documents like the Berne Convention and the 1996 WIPO Memorandum. There is also a directory of music industry web sites. The attached CD-ROM contains copyright regulations and registration material along with numerous forms, agreements, and licenses. Both books are excellent references that improve and expand upon the earlier editions. All You Need To Know will be most appreciated by performers and writers, while This Business will be helpful to those who work on the business side.DJoan Pedzich, Harris Beach & Wilcox, Rochester, NY Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc. !1Polecam inne moje oferty!